Artist Access
New Zealand Glassworks - Te Whare Tūhua o Te Ao (NZG) is dedicated to the on-going development of all glass artists and to provide them with the best possible opportunities and education. The open access studio allows glass artists to indulge in their chosen practice all year round.
Artist Access or Induction at New Zealand Glassworks (NZG) is for practicing glass artists wanting to become hirers of the facility. Anyone hiring the facilities at NZG is required to be fully inducted to each area of intended use and a refresher induction is required every 12 months.
For full induction to take place NZG has to ensure all hirers are competent and safe whilst hiring at NZG.
Potential Hirers can make an inquiry to the manager of NZG via email
Supervised experiences
Members of the public looking to access the facility are encouraged to explore our range of supervised experiences.
- SHORT COURSES – NZG offers a range of workshops e.g. beginners glass blowing class, 1-on-1 workshops etc. These are an initial step in education and experience in glass making and practice. More information available here
- PROFESSIONAL WORKSHOPS – these are usually longer workshops and more intensive. The educational experience is in one or two areas. Skills and level of knowledge achieved will vary per student.