Joanne Sullivan
Joanne Sullivan has worked as a full time figurative sculptor since the 1980’s. She works across many mediums including bronze, glass casting and mixed media. Scale of work extends from miniatures to large scale monuments. Joanne is South African born and immigrated to New Zealand in 2002.
The careful attention to detail in Joanne's sculptures brings them to life. Her works are represented in collections around the world. Public sculptures in NZ include, a larger-than-life sculpture of racehorse 'Phar Lap' in Timaru. A bronze of 'Sir John Walker Winning Olympic Gold' in Manurewa, and 'Balance', a life-sized sculpture of a rooster toppling a chair, in Albany.
Joanne is currently working on an 2.3m bronze sculpture of Sir Keith Park for The Sir Keith Park Memorial for the Airfield in Thames, Coromandel.
Having studied sculpture under noted South African sculptor, Etienne de Kock, Joanne subsequently attended several workshops under the tutorage of a number of 'Master Sculptor’ instructors at The Scottsdale School of Art AZ, USA as well as The American Academy of Equine Art, (AAEA) in KY, USA. In 2010, by invitation of The American Academy of Equine Art, Joanne was an AAEA workshop instructor in sculpture.
Joanne is an elected Signature Member of The American Academy of Equine Art (Sculpture) and Associate Member of the National Sculpture Society of New York, USA.